Learn: AI (I)

1. Topics

  • AI
  • embeddings
  • vectors
  • training
  • inference
  • deep learning
  • machine learning
  • LLM
  • RAG
  • neural networks
  • natural language processing
  • computer vision
  • prompting

2. Find answers to...

  • What are the foundational principles and technologies behind AI and LLMs?
  • What are the differences between closed and open source LLMs
  • How can AI and LLMs be leveraged to enhance public service delivery?
  • Should we buy vs build vs adopt?
  • Should we go with GovTech/OGP products, build ourselves, or approach a vendor?
  • If we build, how can we avoid irreversible decisions that lock us into (soon to be) obsolete paths?
  • How can AI contribute to more efficient and effective public service workflows?
  • What are AI agents and what are the benefits/costs of agentic workflows?
  • What training or skills are necessary for public sector employees to work effectively with AI?

3. Objectives

  • Sort through the AI hype from the keepers
  • Understand what it takes to conceptualize, develop, & deploy AI products, e.g. compute infrastructure, toolchain
  • Know what everyone not on LLMs is missing out
  • Spot opportunities to do things much faster and easier with LLMs

4. My Observations

  • The AI genie is out of the bottle, there's no return to life before it
  • Given the ongoing hype train for AI, it's tempting to use AI for the sake of it, but that'd would be a huge L
  • Focus on solving a meaningful problem, not the hype
  • Long tail of training/finetuning yourself, building UIs, and maintaining is too much investment
  • AI user interfaces and workflows are not necessarily (and can often be contrary to) good UX
  • Simple applications of ML might be far more useful for everyday problems, as is straightforward improvements to how we organize info, design websites instead of pushing for a chatbot

5. Courses

6. Readings

7. Watch on Youtube