Learn: AI (II)

1. Topics

  • AI
  • embeddings
  • vectors
  • training
  • inference
  • transformers
  • deep learning
  • machine learning
  • neural networks
  • natural language processing
  • computer vision
  • pretraining

2. Find answers to...

  • What is the value chain for AI/LLMs and how do they come together? AI value chain - GPU Chips, Foundational Models, Compute (Training, Inference) + Storage + Data Infrastructure, Application
  • How are the various options for training/learning, deploying, & performing inference for AI/LLMs/vision models
  • How does the industry and leading minds think about learning/inference, effectiveness, size of model, speed/throughput, efficiency, power needs/consumption?
  • What part of the AI value chain do we as a product/project/policy team go for?
  • How can we ensure the privacy and security of data used by AI systems?
  • What are the key challenges in integrating AI technologies into existing IT infrastructure?
  • What is the immediate and medium term future for LLMs, and where are the next leaps & improvements going to be at?
  • What ethical considerations should guide the use of AI in public sectors?

3. Objectives

  • See the opportunities and challenges across the AI value chain - GPU Chips, Foundational Models, Compute (Training, Inference) + Storage + Data Infrastructure, Application.
  • Understand the different techniques and methods to enhance your business processes with AI
  • Know which LLMs are good, how good, for what

4. My Observations

  • Obsolescence cycle is extremely fast, so we must avoid significant sunk costs and irreversible decisions
  • Fast pace of product and technological improvements challenges rigid/aged organizational structures - impossible to keep up if tons of red-tape is needed for chopping and changing
  • Generative AI is not the be-all and end-all, not everything needs to be an LLM-based chatbot
  • Lock-in or sunk costs is an issue, e.g. sinking tons of money into deploying/finetuning your Llama2 something only to have it obsolete 12 months later

5. Courses

6. Readings

7. Watch on Youtube